Welcome to the Choosing Evil Tour!!
A huge congrats to Kristina Rienzi for her debut release!
Yall check out a little about the book below then be sure to enter the amazing giveaway Kristina has going on today.
A note from Kristina!
Hey guys!
Thank you so much for stopping by today to check out my debut novel, Choosing Evil! This baby was a labor of love, for sure. And, its tagline, 'Embrace Your Inner Demon' has already raised some eyebrows around my small beach town (oops!).
Well, if you're into the paranormal like I am, it won't shock you to know the demons in Choosing Evil are not only sexy and bad-ass, but full of emotional baggage and human appeal.
While Choosing Evil is Serafina's story, her love interest, Damon is a giant part of it. If you like what you read, get ready for the sequel, Breaking Evil, which I'm hoping to release in 2015. Both books are part of The Ensouled Trilogy, which not only pits good against evil, but makes each character, and reader, question what evil really means to them.
I hope you have fun today getting introduced to Choosing Evil, and me! Don't forget to find me on social media and, of course, sign up for my giveaways below :)
Thank you again for helping me celebrate Choosing Evil's release!
Serafina Murano is no stranger to the paranormal. All of her life she’s lived harmoniously alongside demons. Damon Serpe is a conflicted demon on a mission. Unexpectedly, they collide into each other’s lives and are inexorably drawn to one another.Dark deadly secrets, gut wrenching betrayal, and elusive questions haunt her and have her entire life. Instinctively, Serafina realizes Damon holds the key to her understanding. If she trusts him, can he help decipher her recurring nightmares and unravel the mysteries surrounding her?On the eve of her thirtieth birthday, she must select her path and make a difficult choice. One which will change her, and perhaps the world, forever.Will Serafina embrace the truth and face her evil?Would you?
Meet the Author
Professionally, Kristina has been active in the writing community as a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime-Central Jersey, Romance Writers of America and New Jersey Romance Writers, serving as Chair of the Literary Book Fair in 2013. Kristina has her Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling and her Senior Professional in Human Resources Certificate, working in both fields throughout her business career.
Personally, Kristina is married and a doggie mommy to Pekingese and Shih Tzu pups. Although a lover of New Jersey, she dreams of one day moving to Hawaii and living the “Aloha” way. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading, watching paranormal investigations, rooting for her West Virginia Mountaineers or relaxing with her loved ones, wine in hand.
Kristina is currently working on Breaking Evil, the sequel to Choosing Evil, as well as Unleash the Wicked, a suspense novel about an unsuspecting witch at the Jersey Shore.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Join the FB Party!
Kristina will be hosting a release day FB party and everyone is invited! It’s kicking off tonight (Nov 25th) at 8PM EST. Come by and visit for a bit! There will be all kinds of giveaways and lots of fun! To join in visit THISpage!
Enter the Giveaway
There’s a tour wide giveaway with three winners…
1) $25 Amazon Gift Card plus ecopy Choosing Evil
2) $10 Amazon Gift Card plus ecopy Choosing Evil
3) ecopy Choosing Evil
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